What our clients say about us…
Nikki has helped me realise that’s it’s okay to talk about my feelings, and completely helped to overcome them. With great exercise’s and tips to help me relax and stop over thinking. She is lovely, kind and a great person to talk to. I would highly recommend her to anybody!!
My two girls have just finished this 6 week course (once a week after school) with Nikki and Carolyn, and they loved it! They so enjoyed the forest school aspect, even though they do it at school… and this is based in the woods just outside of Walden.
They have done yoga, learned about kindness, how to be a good friend, relaxation, story telling, and how to control emotions. They have made art with the things that they have found in the woods, shared their ideas and thoughts about what nature has to offer, and all sorts of things with a group of other kids. I so highly recommend this experience to any child, whatever their temperament. Our girls have both taken so much of the advice in and have enjoyed sharing it with us… My husband and I were blown away when one of our girls applied the ‘controlled breathing’ when she had normal 5 year old trivial hissy fit, and quickly pulled herself together with no prompting from us!! If you have a tricky child I can imagine this would be a really good experience for them for this reason, but really it’s great for all kids to learn about themselves and enjoy the great outdoors.
You have given him a very valuable tool to help him cope both at School and throughout life. He is much calmer than before you started teaching him relaxation strategies, we now see him much less often in the support room in need of space, reassurance and chill time. You have given that young person a new start, an opportunity to learn, engage, benefit from all that school can offer him. The young person has grown and future children will grow because of the work you are doing with them.
Our child has a long term medical condition with anxieties the need for structured routine and sensory processing issues. Nikki helped us to understand our child’s issues were more about prevention not cure.
Nikki taught us how to use deep pressure massage to relax our child along with a relaxation story which Nikki and our child worked on together. She taught us in “children’s” terms how to teach our child to take deep breaths in stressful and anxious situations.
All of these have made such a positive difference.
Nikki also attended our transition meetings for primary school to support us and give her advice on what is in our child’s best interest to help her cope with a school day. We are still using all the techniques Nikki has taught us and they have proved invaluable not only for our child but the whole family unit.
Thank you Nikki. Following your workshop I have been using your techniques to help me relax and have been using them to help with my very poor sleep pattern.
I’ve found that when I wake during the night if I use the relaxation I fall back to sleep quite quickly.
This means I’m getting a better night sleep and have more energy for the day.
It’s also really helped With A’s anxiety and his support staff are using it with him and benefiting too. So all round a good workshop . Thanks
….. has definitely improved, she has begun going off to sleep in her own bed. She was tending to want to fall asleep in mine then be moved to her own bed later.
I felt confident in the skills she’s learnt to deal with her worried anxious times. Thanks very much for all you have done.
After J attended the relaxation sessions I was very pleased with his positive and enthusiastic approach to the school trip, he was able to overcome the anxiety and really let go and enjoy him self.
I highly recommend Nikki Sammons she’s gentle insightful and her outdoor classes are brilliant for kids needing a little extra support and confidence.